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Our charter on the privacy In this page the form are described; of management of the situated one in reference to the treatment of the personal data of the customers who consult it. Draft of informative that is yield also according to of the art.13 of Decree Legislative 30 june 2003, n. 196 called Code in matter of treatment of the personal data to those who beginning from interact with the services web of Ca' Busatti Restaurant of Busato Mario s.n.c., accessible for via data transmission the address, correspondent to the page begin them of the situated official. The informative one is yield for situated of Ca' Busatti the Restaurant of Busato Mario s.n.c and also for other situated ones web eventually does not only consult to you from the customer through link. The informative one is inspired also to the Recommendation n. 2/2001 that the European authority for the protection of the personal data, re-united in the Group instituted from art. the 29 of the directive n. 95/46/CE, on-linens have adopted 17 May 2001 in order to characterize some requirement minimums for the collection of personal data, and, in particular, the form , the times and the nature of the information that the holders of the treatment must supply the customers when these are connected to pages web, independently from the scopes of the connection. The Holder of the treatment As a result of the consultation of this situated one can be deals given to you relati to you to identified persons or identifiable. The holder of their treatment ? Ca' Busatti Restaurant of Busato Mario s.n.c., with center in Via Gallesa, 26 - 31059 Zero Branco TV. Responsibles of the treatment Like previewed in the informative one of which to article 13, codicil 1 - letter f of Decree legislative 30 june 2003, n. 196 When the holder has designated more responsibles is indicated one of they at least, indicating situated of the net of communication or the form through which isconoscibile in easy way the modernized directory of the responsibles. In order to comply with the normative dictation, ? available the modernized directory of the Responsibles of the treatment. Writing one mail to the address or calling the number +39 0422 97629 ? possible to know such directory. Place of treatment of the data Treatments connected to the services web of this situated one have place near the foretold center of the Holder and are cure solo to you from technical staff of the Office person in charge of the treatment, or from eventual people in charge of occasional operations of maintenance. No data deriving from the service web comes communicated or diffused. The supplied personal data from the customers who forward demanded of shipment of informative material are use you to the solo fine to execute the service or the demanded performance and is not communicates to you to thirds party. The supplied personal data from the customers who forward demanded of shipment of informative material (brochure, depliant, formulation of estimates etc) are use you to the solo fine to execute the service or the demanded performance and is not communicates to subjects thirds party to you. Types of data deal to you Data of navigation The eventuality saves of uses it of the data for the responsibility assessment, in the state the data on the contacts web does not persist more in order than seven days. Data supplied voluntarily from the customer Optional, explicit and voluntary the shipment of e-mail to the addresses indicates to you on this situated one involves the successive acquisition of the address of the sender, necessary in order to answer to the demands, let alone of eventual the other inserted personal data in the missiva. It is specified that inserted the personal and/or business data in the form present on situated, come protected from Ca' Busatti Restaurant of Busato Mario s.n.c and uses you in order to answer to questions of the customer, in order to supply the demanded information or in order to contact the customer with respect to the supplied services or for eventual promotions and/or offering. Facoltativit? of the bestowal of the data To part how much specifying for the navigation data, the customer is free to supply the personal data brought back in the application forms information to Ca' Busatti Restaurant for Busato Mario s.n.c. The bestowal of the personal data and the relative consent to the treatment are obligatory for being able to have use of of the services offers. The lacked performance of the consent to the treatment or the successive one revoca involves the cancellation of the demand with the consequent cancellation from the services offers from the situated one. Modality of treatment The personal data are deal to you with instruments automate you for the time closely necessary to achieve the scopes for which they have been collected. Specific measures of emergency are observed in order to prevent the loss of the data, use illicit or corrected and approached it does not authorize to you. We inform that, in order to supply a complete service, present link to other situated ones web they are managed from other holders. One declines every responsibility in case of errors, contents, cookies, banns of illicit immorale content, publicity, banner or files not consistent to the enforced normative dispositions and of the respect of the Privacy norm from part of situated from not managed we to which reference is made. Rights of the interested ones Subjects which the personal data refer have the right anytime to obtain the confirmation of the existence or less of the same data and to know of the content and the origin, to verify of the exactitude or to ask of integration or the modernization, or rectification (art. 7 of the d.lgs n. 196/200 3 - brought back for entire). According to of the same article the right is had to ask the cancellation, the transformation in anonymous shape or the block of the data deals to you in opporsi let alone law violation, in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment. The demands go in beyond to the Holder of the treatment writing one mail to in dirizzo or calling number +39 0422 97629. Art. 7 (Straight of access to the personal data and other rights) The interested one has straight to obtain the personal confirmation of the existence or less than given that regards it, even if not still records to you, and their communication in intelligible shape. The interested one has straight to obtain the indication: of the origin of the personal data; of the purposes and modality of the treatment; of the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; of the ends identified you of the holder, the responsibles and the designated representative according to of article 5, codicil 2; of the subjects or the categories of subjects to which the personal data can be it communicates to you or that they can come some to acquaintance in quality of representative designated in the territory of the State, of responsibles or people in charge. The interested one has straight to obtain: the modernization, the rectification that is, when it has interest to you, integration of the data; the cancellation, the transformation in anonymous shape or the block of the data deal to you in law violation, those comprised of which are not necessary the conservation in relation to the scopes for which the data have been collected or subsequently deal to you; the attestation that the operations of which to letters to) and b) have been capacities to acquaintance, also as far as their content, of those people to which the data have been communicate to you or diffuse, eccettuato the case in which such implementation it is revealed impossible or it involved a means employment manifestly sproporzionato regarding the protected right. The interested one has straight of opporsi, in all or partially: for legitimate reasons to the treatment of the personal data that regard it, ancorch? pertinenti to the scope of the collection; to the treatment of personal data that regard it to fine of shipment of advertising material or direct selling or for the fulfillment of communication or market researches they trades. Cliccando on every push-button or link of every form of this situated one in which this declaration is present also, I declare to accept the norms and the given conditions of collection explained in this document.